Alternative, Natural & Complementary Mesothelioma Treatments
Alternative, Natural & Complementary Mesothelioma Treatments
Many times when a cure or traditional treatment plan for malignant mesotheliomacan’t be found, patients will turn to alternative, natural, and/or complementary treatments. Some patients may even combine traditional and nontraditional treatments for more effective relief. Fortunately, there are a variety of alternative treatments available, and as science progresses, even more therapies and treatments are predicted to become available.
Most nontraditional treatments are individual choices that aren’t a part of the conventional standard of medical treatment. Instead, these types of treatments are considered a part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a part of the U.S. Institutes of National Health. For victims of the asbestos cancer known as mesothelioma, there are several options available.
Keep in mind that if you’ve been exposed to asbestos and have mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may be entitled to considerable compensation. Right now, more than $30 billion is available in trust funds for those that have been affected by asbestos. Fill out our form to receive our free Financial Compensation Packet. Our packet is loaded with information on leading mesothelioma attorneys in your area, how to file a claim for asbestos trust funds, how to get paid in 90 days, and more.
Natural Healing
Some of the more popular natural healing treatments for mesothelioma patients are acupuncture, massage, meditation, and chiropractic care. Each of these natural techniques bring about relief from symptoms of mesothelioma such as chronic pain, inflammation, body tension, stress, headaches, and more. Additionally, stress levels are lessened and patients are able to relax more and enjoy a more serene psychological environment.
Vitamins and Herbs
Although most vitamins and herbal treatments are not recognized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), mesothelioma patients may be able to benefit from them. For example, Cat’s Claw is a popular natural herbal remedy that works by stimulating the immune system when consistently taken. This is turn may help to eliminate **cancerous cells **. Vitamin C, if taken consistently, can help prevent cancer cells from growing, as well as strengthen bones and help the body produce collagen.
Medical Marijuana
Although scientists have studied the effects of medical marijuana on mesothelioma patients in particular, there’s been several studies on marijuana and lung cancer patients, and the results are positive. Most cancer patients who’ve taken medical marijuana reported that they’ve experienced positive benefits in the following areas:
• Pain relief
• Better sleep quality and the need for less sleep
• Increase in appetite and decrease in nausea
• Less stress and anxiety
Since medical marijuana is still not legal in all states, and research is inhibited due to strict guidelines, there’s still not enough studies done. Scientists continue to push for better ways to run trials on medical marijuana, with hopes that it will be easier to determine how much patients need (in general), and the most effective way to take it (smoking, vaping, eaten, by spray, etc.).
As will medications, however, a few side effects have been reported by cancer patients who used medical marijuana. Yet, the majority of patients said that the side effects were so minor that they outweighed the benefits. The most common side effects reported include:
• Red eyes
• Paranoia
• Dizziness
• Low blood pressure and increased heart beat
• Hallucinations
• Difficulties with food digestion
Side effects tend to vary from person to another. Prior to trying medical marijuana to help with pain, consult your physician first, and most importantly, check your state laws to determine if it’s legal in your state.
Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathy is an alternative mesothelioma treatment in which patients take diluted natural substances in order to bring their bodies to the same level of a healthy person. This natural approach works by giving patients natural medications that counteract normal body actions. For example, even though an onion causes your eyes to water, a patient with allergies who has watery eyes can be given a diluted onion to counteract the effect.
For mesothelioma cancer patients, standard treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and even over-the-counter products are not used. Instead, a system of diluted natural therapies consisting of plants, animals, and/or minerals are used. Examples include nettle, red onions, poison ivy, mountain herbs, and more. Keep in mind, however, that there are no set standards for homeopathic remedies and you should always consult with your physician first.
What the Medical Community Says About Natural and Alternative Treatments
Although most natural and alternative treatments are not considered the mainstream way of battling diseases, many professionals in the medical community are beginning see the benefits. More and more physicians today are beginning to embrace complementary and alternative medicines and even incorporating certain natural treatments with their standard medical care.
The Mayo Clinic, for example, believes in holistic and natural approaches combined with traditional treatment. As the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine continues to research and provide scientific evidence regarding these types of treatments, more members of the professional medical community are beginning to see the major advantages.
Alternative, Natural & Complementary Mesothelioma Treatments
Reviewed by EasyEngineering
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