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Common Mesothelioma Misconceptions

Common Mesothelioma Misconceptions
Mesothelioma cancer is still considered a rare disease in the medical world, and although science continues to progress and teach us more about it, there is still just a relatively small amount of information available when compared to other forms of cancer. Because of this, there are a plethora of myths and misconceptions surrounding the disease and its effects.

If you or a loved one suffer from mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may qualify for substantial compensation. Currently, there is over $30 billion in asbestos trust funds, awaiting those who’ve been diagnosed with an asbestos illness. Fill out our form to receive our free Financial Compensation Packet. Our packet is loaded with information on leading mesothelioma attorneys in your area, how to file a claim for asbestos trust funds, how to get paid in 90 days, and more.

Smoking Will Cause Mesothelioma
Smoking does not cause and is not the culprit of mesothelioma. Smokers are also not at any higher risk of developing mesothelioma when compared to non-smokers. However, lung cancer is heightened for smokers who are exposed to asbestos. This is because smoking weakens the lungs, allowing asbestos to cause lung damage more easily.

Only Older People Get Mesothelioma
The main reason for this myth stems from the fact that malignant mesothelioma is generally not detected until 30 years or more after asbestos exposure, with the average age of victims being around 60. However, people of all ages, including children, can get mesothelioma. Children are usually diagnosed much earlier because their immune systems aren’t fully developed as of yet, and the most common way they get mesothelioma is through secondary exposure. In rare instances, children can get mesothelioma from old school buildings that were built using asbestos. They can also be exposed to asbestos by playing in attics that contain asbestos-containing insulation or around old, abandoned buildings that were built with asbestos.
Mesothelioma is Contagious
Mesothelioma has never been nor will ever be contagious. The only instance that even remotely resembles mesothelioma being contagious is secondary exposure from a family member who was exposed to asbestos while working around it.

You Must Have Prolonged Exposure to Asbestos to Get Mesothelioma

In most cases, long-term, prolonged exposure to asbestos is what typically leads to mesothelioma. However, according to recent medical studies, even limited exposure for a short amount of time can result in mesothelioma. Although rare, it can happen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that there is no safe level of asbestos.

Mesothelioma is Just Another Word for Lung Cancer
Although a form of mesothelioma called pleural mesothelioma develops in the lungs, it is not a lung cancer. This is a common myth and mistake because pleural mesothelioma develops along the lining of the lungs, affecting the soft tissues around the lungs. However, there are several other types of mesothelioma that affect other parts of the body, such as ovarian, peritoneal, testicular, and laryngeal mesothelioma.
Only Men Get Mesothelioma
This myth perhaps started because the majority of workers in factories, plants, oil refineries, and on ships where prolonged exposure to asbestos was present were men. Yet, even though men are diagnosed four times more than women, females can certainly still get mesothelioma as well.

If You Get Mesothelioma, You Won’t Live Much Longer
While it’s true that no cure has been developed as of yet, people can still go on to live successful lives while battling mesothelioma. With a vast array of treatment optionsthat keep increasing as science and technology progresses, victims are living longer and managing pain efficiently. Keep in mind, however, that every case of mesothelioma is unique, and the outcome greatly depends on how advanced the stage of the disease is, how soon the symptoms of mesothelioma start to surface, and how effective the treatment works on each patient.

Common Mesothelioma Misconceptions Reviewed by EasyEngineering on 20:36 Rating: 5

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